Once upon a time, a mysterious egg fell from the sky...
...catching the attention of a young princess in a nearby castle. As the princess looked up from her window, five luminous goblins appeared from five colored flames, each ruling over one of five realms. The goblins presented the princess with the mysterious iridescent egg. They told her that it contained the universal truths, if she chose to allow it to hatch. Before they left, they created for her a tall tower with five sides, each side with a window that looked out into one of five realms. The tower was hidden from the rest of the world, and only she could access it. There, she could learn the secrets of the five realms, and how to use magic.
On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, one hundred years from when the goblins first appeared, the princess had created a system for magic and divination that would guide one on their path through time. This was a set of fifty cards in gold, each with five points, each point representing one of five realms, and ten different magical beasts. It was the story of the egg’s journey, but also of her’s. When she finally stepped through the door from her hidden tower back to the castle, no time had passed in the outside world... but she had aged one hundred years. The wizened princess walked over to the castle magician, and handed him a five-sided gold box containing the cards. On it, read: "Vlada Benedetti’s GOLDEN BESTIARY".
Centuries have past, and the GOLDEN BESTIARY has finally been recreated for you to learn and use!